Wednesday, December 13, 2023

A Nice Surprise

 Hello Friends!

As you know, I spent a while in the hospital. While hospitalized, former Blue Jay and Yankee outfielder Jesse Barfield was inducted into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame in St. Mary's Ontario.

It was a double induction, since there was cancellations and all that for Covid, but I digress.. 

One of the things Jesse started doing on Twitter is offering signed copies of the Induction plaque, much like Cooperstown sells. 

I had made a comment that I would like to get a Barfield auto sometime but funds weren't there..

Step in the wonderful Kevin Glew, author of the Cooperstowners in Canada blog. 

He saw I was recovering and my wish to get a Barfield sometime. 

I received this. The note stated that he (Kevin) saw my post and sent it to me.
Talking more afterward, he said that had Jesse come across my note, he likely would have sent something himself. So I have a nice 83 Topps Jesse Barfield autographed card.