Monday, December 11, 2023

A December Update

 Hello Friends!

As I mentioned in my last post, I needed a break.. I was stressed out from multiple angles and generally not having fun doing anything. Plus there was a couple months I spent in hospital because of infections and then a rather gnarly wound on my knee that's still closing up as I type. 

I do have some ideas for future posts. I am going to get back into the Stadium posts. I enjoy  doing them and I believe people like reading them.. I do have some other ideas coming up. I do have a book I want to start soon.

I had some gift cards from last Christmas for Chapters/Indigo, so I decided to buy this.. There is another  book I'd love to get, but oddly enough it's not really available in Canada....

Now... You'd think a book with this title would have more of a presence in Canadian stores/online retailers than just ebook... Copies I found on book selling sites came from the US and Australia.. 

Amazon does seem to have it for not too insane, but I can't afford it right now. 


I want to start blogging again regularly soon. 

I also have a few cards and other things I want to show off. That will come next post. I just wanted to let my blogging friends know that I'm still alive and well. I took a complete break. Not even reading the blogs too much. For that, I apologize. It will be returning to my rotation again.. 


  1. Fergie Jenkins and Larry Walker come to mind, but my Canadian baseball knowledge is a bit thin.
    Anyway, hope you're back to full health soon.

    1. Well, so far the book mentions the first baseball game in Beachville ON, Tip O'Neill, Art Irwin, George Sleeman, Tecumseh Park in London, and other things. That's just the 19th Century

  2. Woo, you're coming back! I see you on the X periodically so I knew you weren't kaput, but who knows how long I'll be over there.

  3. Hope that wound heals soon. 2023 has been rough for a few of us. Sure hoping 2024 is better for all of us.

    1. It's getting there.. The wound is flush with the skin now. No tunnels or other indentations. It might just take a bit for the skin around it to grow over, especially since it's on the kneecap

  4. It's good to hear that you're still above ground! And that is weird about that book. There can't be too many books about Canadian baseball out there, so one would think that it might be bit of bigger deal up there.
