Sunday, September 15, 2024

Cards and an Update

 Hello friends!

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything but I've been dealing with some issues, as normal.. 

For about a month all I wanted to do was withdraw from everyone and everything. I forced myself to go outside and socialize with people in the building I live in, and also forced myself to sometimes comment on different card sites or groups. 

I'm pulling myself out of it, but it's a struggle. I've wanted to do absolutely nothing. 

I know the community here is great and I'm glad to be part of it. 

Anyway, onto cards...

A little while ago, I picked up the 1991 Topps Traded factory set thing. The package is weird compared to the previous years. 

I wanted to highlight some cards I like or found interesting for whatever reason..

Tom Candiotti. I like the placement with the CN Tower in the background. 
He was a rental for the Jays in 1991

Rick Cerone. I don't know why, but I like this photo. He's also someone who has played for both the Jays and Expos, AND the Yankees/Mets.. 

Kirk Dressendorfer. I just like the name. I remember he was supposed to be one of the young aces for the A's along with Todd Van Poppel and I think someone else, but I can't remember... 

Obligatory Expos card in here. This is listed on TCDB as a Fassero rookie. 

It's so weird seeing Tony in a Padres uniform. 

The 1991 Traded set has players from Team USA in it.. Giambi is one of those players. Turned out to have a decent career.. 

Gibson in a Royals uniform is just weird.. 

Fred McGriff. Part of the blockbuster trade that brought Alomar and Carter to Toronto. I kind of get why the Jays parted with McGriff, as they had Olerud as well. But I can't stop thinking about a lineup with McGriff, Carter and Olerud... 

Jays draft pick Jeff Ware as part of Team USA. I think he's a pitching coach somewhere now.. 

I just like this photo

Bagwell in one of the Astros unis I loved. 

Raines in a White Sox uniform. When I first started watching baseball, he was a Sock.. I found out about his Montreal ties through reading the back of the cards and other stuff. Even though he's finally in the Hall, he's a very underrated player, considering he was playing in the Rickey era. 


  1. Even though my job forces me to interact with hundreds of people every day... I really, really value my "me" time. A few years ago, I started seeing someone about my anxiety... and she encouraged me to get out and socialize as well. But I'd much rather read and comment on blogs.

    1. I know the feeling.
      I'm not sure what's going on with me, but there are days getting out of bed is a chore.

  2. I guess I'll vote for Bagwell. Tempted to go McGriff though.
    Raines is better as an Expo. Fernandez is better as a Blue Jay. Alomar's is a ho card, unfortunately.

  3. I appreciate you making the effort, I know it's difficult! ... I think I bought this same factory set back in the day.

    1. Thank you. It's very difficult some days. I really want to get back to things I enjoy, but at the same time it's tough to get myself to that point.

  4. I listened when I talked to my friend Joe Mcillvaine on the phone about the trade of Carter/Alomar for McGriff/Fernandez trade quite interesting if I get a chance I'll post it in a future post & glad your feeling a little better also I can help you on some of your 1985 Topps need any chance you could help with my 1979 OPC Needs

  5. Do any of the people in your building that you've talked to have friendship potential?
