Wednesday, February 12, 2025

New Arrivals

Hello Friends!

Another day to post random things. 

First, I got a few wax panels from a person I talk with on Discord and I believe in the Team Collector's forum. 

I grabbed them with the intention of cutting them out. 

I completed the 1986 set, so I figured why not go for it all and also get the box bottom cards. I have half of them now. I just need the first two panels, A-D and E-H. Eventually maybe even try to get a second Jorge Bell 

Now, this one I got for the Reardon Expos card.. I will most likely see if anyone would like the other three cards once they're separated. 

The other cards I received recently were from Tom at Angels In Order. He recently offered some cards up for free.. I was able to grab a few Expos. He added a few more. 

I think I really like the first few years of Studio. Once it started becoming just another set, it got boring. 

Bazooka was a weird set for me.. I think it was supposed to be for kids

The steel cards were always odd.. 

Stadium Club has generally been a set I love, but never get the chance to even sniff more than a few cards of.. Between cost and the fact people snap it up so quickly, I almost forget about it as soon as it comes out. 

I kind of have a love hate relationship with Pacific. There were some sets in the late 90s and early 2000s that I just don't know about. I didn't see them enough to have an opinion, but I also don't really know about bindering them either.. 

A very familiar card for me. 

This Action Packed card is rather cool. I like it

I was just talking to the group on Discord about how this is my all time favourite parallel.. This parallel is the only one I've ever really liked. There are way too many now. 
I'd even go as far to say I prefer the parallel over the base set for 1992 Leaf. 
Incidentally, I see Vander Wal and I get the line "You're my Vander Wal" to the tune of the line from Wonder Wall.. 

My brain goes all over the place.. 

Anyway, thank you to both for the cards! I do plan on sending something back at some point since I think I'm finally at a place where I can start cataloguing and feel a little comfortable. 



  1. Love the '86 panels. I've been accumulating both the Topps and OPC versions lately. I just sent a dupe panel to someone else, I'm not sure if I have any other extras, I'll have to check.

  2. Topps did a great job with their 1986 box bottoms. Love the red borders. I especially like the football box bottoms that year.

  3. Topps had a moment of genius making the 86 panels red, so attractive. I'm glad you were able to pick out some free cards.
