Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Help on a Project

 Hello Friends!

Today I wanted to highlight a couple cards that came in the mail today from a friend online, Ron Easton. He's commented here a few times, and is on TCDB as RonEaston. 

He knows about my collecting goals and helped out with a few cards.. 

Kellin Deglan is a Canadian currently in Buffalo for the Jays. He's been in the systems of the Rangers, Yankees, and Blue Jays. He's 30, so really no longer a prospect and his window for a MLB debut is rapidly closing.. He might really top out as a 2.5 A player...

Next, Jeff Francis makes an appearance. I'm glad it's framed to be a regular sized card as opposed to a straight mini. 

Scott Diamond also has an auto show up here. Because I took the photo of this one in my hand, you may see the edge of my thumb. It's not so noticeable here, but on the back photo I took you can see it more. 

50 Years of the Montreal Expos. I Need these cards in my collection. These and the autographs. Rondell White is a new addition. 

Finally, Zach Pop auto. The card scan from TCDB is very dark, as Chrome cards tend to do, but it's a nice card in hand. The Deglan card is more blue than what the scan shows too, by the way. 

Thank you, Ron! I really appreciate the cards!


  1. I love the 2019 Archives 50th Anniversary of the Expos autographs! But I've sort of run into a brick wall with that set build. The final four I need don't pop up on eBay often... and when they do... they're pricey.

  2. The Rondell card looks fantastic!

  3. Great Mike! Is the White the SN150? I forget what i sent. I thot i had two of the /150... one more auto to come some day soonish.
