Thursday, October 17, 2024

1989 Topps Traded

 Hello Friends!

As usual, I apologize for the time between posts. I'm dealing with mental and physical issues and likely will for the rest of my life. I need to get a different chair for my computer. My current one causes my leg to go numb after 10-20 minutes sitting unless I have a towel rolled up on the edge.. Then my foot just hurts lol

Recently my cousin and uncle sent another care package from Windsor. Or I guess, South Detroit ;P

To go with the usual things like laundry detergent pods, drink crystals, cleaning wipes and snacks, I got cards. Jays, Expos, and some others. 

In taking a look through, a couple cards caught my eye.. They were all from 1989 Topps Traded (I do need to get the full set) 

Ahhh Junior Felix.. Born in the era of never knowing the true age of your prospects due to document altering to change ages... 
He could have been 23.. He could have been 33.. Who knows? 

Cito Gaston. I don't know what it is about this card, but it almost looks like the face is painted rather than a photograph. 
Incidentally, Cito is returning to Toronto, but as an advisor to Rob Butler of the IBL Toronto Maple Leafs. I'm thinking about asking Butler, since he's returned to the land of the Twit, if I can send a card to him to get signed for my Canadians project.. I also need to ask Scott Richmond.. 

Mark Langston as an Expo. The rental of Langston only cost the 'Spos some kids named Randy Johnson and Brian Holman. I know it's blurry, but it looks like Langston's shown pitching at the Stick... 

Good ol' Al Leiter.. Spent most of his Blue Jays career fighting blister issues.. Did much better elsewhere.. 

This Spike Owen looks odd to me.. I don't know if it's been airbrushed or not. The sleeves are a weird colour, the pants are showing for road, and I don't know if they wore the red tops in games.. The wall colour also makes me think Kingdome.. 

Finally, Alex Sanchez. Another one that looks more painted than photographed. This one could simply be either from Spring Training, or an airbrush of the Chiefs uni. I don't know. It's more the cap than anything that's throwing me off.. 

Obviously, I got more than just those. I got some OPC and a bunch of junk wax era. Especially for the Expos, I don't mind.. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

TTM Success

 Hello friends!

I wanted to share with you today my first ever TTM return. 

I had a short conversation with Joe on Twitter and made mention that I was looking to get a card autographed for a project I'm working on. He had me explain the project to him; Basically trying to get an autograph from as many Canadian born players as possible. He had me send it to him care of the Jays. 

I got it in the mailbox today. 

When I asked, this was the only card I had of his. Since then I got a card of him with the Marlins. I'm thinking at some point to maybe make a custom of him and Denis Boucher mentioning their being the first Canadian battery in years when they did it in 1993. 

I'm very happy I was able to get this one. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Cards and an Update

 Hello friends!

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything but I've been dealing with some issues, as normal.. 

For about a month all I wanted to do was withdraw from everyone and everything. I forced myself to go outside and socialize with people in the building I live in, and also forced myself to sometimes comment on different card sites or groups. 

I'm pulling myself out of it, but it's a struggle. I've wanted to do absolutely nothing. 

I know the community here is great and I'm glad to be part of it. 

Anyway, onto cards...

A little while ago, I picked up the 1991 Topps Traded factory set thing. The package is weird compared to the previous years. 

I wanted to highlight some cards I like or found interesting for whatever reason..

Tom Candiotti. I like the placement with the CN Tower in the background. 
He was a rental for the Jays in 1991

Rick Cerone. I don't know why, but I like this photo. He's also someone who has played for both the Jays and Expos, AND the Yankees/Mets.. 

Kirk Dressendorfer. I just like the name. I remember he was supposed to be one of the young aces for the A's along with Todd Van Poppel and I think someone else, but I can't remember... 

Obligatory Expos card in here. This is listed on TCDB as a Fassero rookie. 

It's so weird seeing Tony in a Padres uniform. 

The 1991 Traded set has players from Team USA in it.. Giambi is one of those players. Turned out to have a decent career.. 

Gibson in a Royals uniform is just weird.. 

Fred McGriff. Part of the blockbuster trade that brought Alomar and Carter to Toronto. I kind of get why the Jays parted with McGriff, as they had Olerud as well. But I can't stop thinking about a lineup with McGriff, Carter and Olerud... 

Jays draft pick Jeff Ware as part of Team USA. I think he's a pitching coach somewhere now.. 

I just like this photo

Bagwell in one of the Astros unis I loved. 

Raines in a White Sox uniform. When I first started watching baseball, he was a Sock.. I found out about his Montreal ties through reading the back of the cards and other stuff. Even though he's finally in the Hall, he's a very underrated player, considering he was playing in the Rickey era. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sportlots vs COMC

 Hello friends!

Today, as well as showing off a Sportlots order I received a couple days ago, I want to compare COMC and SL for people in Canada.

My order was Canadians heavy, with three Scott Richmond cards (all the same card) a Joe Siddall card, a Dave Pagan card I may already have, and a Dave McKay 1981 Topps that is autographed. 

My phone ic charging at the moment, so I'll show the McKay another day..

A Dave Pagain rookie card that, according to TCDB, I already own.. .Oops

Scott Richmond. This card is HARD to find.. I'm glad I was able to find three copies from three different sellers on Sportlots, all for 20 cents each.

The Joe Siddall was another 20 cent card.. The McKay set me back a dollar.. 

So, here's the difference for Canadians, and really, anyone who uses the two.. 

Sportlots, you either pay for shipping once, or you pay for shipping twice.. For orders to Canada, the shipping individual sellers charge is insane.. So your only option is box shipping. 
With COMC, while the individual card prices can make you wonder what the seller is on, and if they're sharing.... You pay for shipping once. 

I haven't priced out what this order would have cost me on COMC, since they have no Richmond for sale, but I feel the order would have been more through COMC. 

Anyway, next blog post will show my shiny Dave McKay auto.. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

A New Auto

 Hello Friends!

I recently received a card in the mail from the author of Opening Day in Milwaukee, Matthew J Prigge. Actually, I got a few from him. Cards from his book and this lovely auto of former Ranger and Brewer Kevin Reimer!

Now, Reimer was born in the States, but his parents are Canadian, and he lives in Canada. That works for my autograph project.. 

Thank you Matthew!!

I know I've been absent for a while. I've been dealing with mental health and physical health issues still. I will likely always be dealing with them.. I'm fighting the urge to completely shut myself off from everyone and everything. 
Honestly, this was a big step for me to write this post. 

Thank you friends. I know there are a number who care. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Labatt Memorial Park

 Hello Friends!

I've had this topic in my head for a while now but was having difficulty sitting down to write. 

Today I'm going to go over the history of Laball Park in London, Ontario. 

Labatt Park, formerly known as Tecumseh Park, is a ballpark in London, Ontario. The grounds have been in use for baseball since 1877, though the structures have changed some over the years. It's in the Guiness Book as the Oldest Baseball Grounds. 

London, Ontario, as with London, England, has the River Thames. Labatt Park is on the banks of the Thames. Prior to the ballpark being built, the area was used as a common grounds or training grounds for the military. 

The first tenants were the London Tecumsehs, who were founded in 1868. In 1877 the Tecumsehs won the International Association pennant. Unlike other leagues from the time period, the IA has never been granted Major League status. Had this happened, the London Tecumsehs would have been the first Canadian team to win a Baseball championship in the Majors. 

In 1883 the park was damaged by flood. The original Home plate was in current Left Field. After being rebuilt, the plate was moved to current placement. Another flood occurred in 1937, after which the Labatt Brewing Company donated $10000 to renovate the park and deeded the park to the city of London. The conditions of the deed stated the park remain an athletic park in perpetuity and be renamed "John Labatt Memorial Park"

This illustration is of an 1877 game between the Tecumsehs and the Guelph Maple Leafs.

Labatt Park in the 1940s. 

Some of the players who have played on this field include George Gibson, Denny McLain, Ty Cobb, Fergie Jenkins, Frank Colman, Tom Burgess, Travis Fryman, Jose Lima, and Rico Brogna. 

Baseball hasn't been the only sport here. Bicycle racing, football, softball, soccer, track, wrestling, boxing, and showjumping. The area has also been used for rallies. 

This is the current entrance

After the 1937 flood, the park was rebuilt with this entrance. The structure was demolished in 1990. 

Tecumseh Park. In a current photo, you'd see buildings in Left-Centre. 

Now.. Are you ready to see the list of teams that played here???

I may do this a little different because of the way the teams were named and how long they lasted..

London Tecumsehs:
International Association 1877-1878, 1888-1890
Canadian League 1912-1915
Michigan Ontario League 1919-1924
Ontario League 1930

London Alerts: International Association 1897, 1899

London Cockneys: 
International League 1899, 1908
Canadian League 1911

London Indians: Michigan Ontario League 1925
London Majors: Intercounty Baseball League 1925-Present
London Pirates: PONY League 1940-1941
London Tigers: Eastern League 1989-1993
London Werewolves: Frontier League 1999-2001
London Monarchs: Canadian Baseball League 2003
Western Mustangs Baseball 2006-Present
London Rippers:  Frontier League 2012

This park is obviously a Heritage Building both in London and for the country. The original clubhouse from 1937 is still on the grounds and can be visited during tours of the park. 

The pro game has probably passed London by now. The park will continue to be used as the home for the IBL, Western University, and local athletics. I'm thinking there may be enough here for multiple cards when I get around to making cards for this place. 

I know this and my last Ballpark featured have been departures from what I started with, but I feel that the parks used in the Intercounty League can be just as interesting as the ones in the Majors/Minors. 


Friday, May 10, 2024

Christie Pits Dominico Field Custom

 Hello friends!

I had a stroke of inspiration recently.. With the custom stadium set I'm working on, I'm going to make a subset of Intercounty Baseball League parks. The first one I did, kind of a proof-of-Concept, though I'm probably going to change parts of it.. Is Dominico Field at Christie Pits in Toronto.

This was a quick mockup.. I will be changing it and making it look better.. 

But anyway.. Dominico Field.. 
The team that plays there that I'm interested in is the Maple Leafs. These Leafs are known as the Intercounty Leafs or Intercounty Maple Leafs to distinguish from the NHL Leafs. 

The IBL team started in 1969, two years after the MiLB Maple Leafs of the IL moved to Louisville. 
The IBL team was originally owned by Jack and Lynne Dominico from 1969-2022. After their passing, the League Championship was named in their honour. 

The Leafs have won 8 IBL championships. 

Now I've mentioned Christie Pits in the name.. 
Christie Pits is an area of Toronto that originally were sand pits just off Christie Street. 
The park was originally known as Willowvale Park, and officially carried that name until 1983, when the City of Toronto changed it to Christie Pits Park 

Baseball and other activities have been taking place at this park since the early 1900s. In 1933, it was the site of an infamous riot between the Pit Gang (also known as the Swastika Club) and a group of young men, predominantly Jewish. 
At the time of the riot, there was a series of baseball games taking place. One of the teams had mainly Jewish players. The Pit Gang brought Swastikas. The Jewish people responded and a riot broke out. 

So dear reader, do you think this would be a good series/subset?

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Donruss Jays: The Rest Plus Leaf

Hello Friends!

Today is the rest of the bunch for the Jays Donruss/Leaf/Panini/Whatever needs.. 


Stands to reason that the only one of the Hometown Heroes set I'd need is the short print..

I think this is from the Best of the AL set

These are from the 1988 Donruss All Stars. The only other ones I need are Oakland Coliseum and Tim Wallach

I have the 1988 Leaf set, but I need these for the team binder. 

I have the Donruss 86 taken care of, but not the Leaf

I kind of like the Leaf sets from this time. I believe the Butler is a need for my Canadians binder, but I'll know more once I get there..

Not many 94s needed

93 Donruss.. Almost want to say it's the Newscast set... 

More for the team binder.

Again, for the team binder. 

As I'm doing this I'm also gathering cards to show as a "Hey, let's make a deal!" kinda thing